Saturday, December 28, 2013

Breaking Bad Coffee

I broke open a brand new bag of Peet's French Roast today. The second IV drip is helping me wake up after yesterday's much-needed "vacation" day of doing basically, well...nothing.

Peet's is pretty good coffee. I'm not a coffee snob, but I do know bad coffee when I taste it. Wouldn't anyone? Church coffee is usually the worst offender, but I've had worse...most recently at a local auto repair shop. When I took my road trip back to CA from Nashville, I have to say that the coffee at the travel plazas really weren't that bad. I would have coffee with friends who wouldn't tell me that the cup they brewed for me was Folgers or Maxwell House, and I would wrinkle my nose. Then I would dub all bad coffee "Folgers crap". But then Folgers came out with some pretty good coffee; my favorite: Black Silk. My biases are pretty well under control now.

My very first cup of coffee (after leaving the Mormon church, what, 17 years ago?) was a tall Starbucks cappuccino. But I was bad even before that day...or at least considered myself a "bad" Mormon. I've always loved the smell of coffee. When I was a kid, I would inhale deeply the aroma over the coffee carafe at my grandparents house during Christmas morning breakfasts. I used to go to the back of Cost Plus World Market, would hover around the coffee area, looking at the free samples of coffee du jour with longing eyes...and (I kid you not!) pretend to be shopping around the area while someone would be grinding beans. Then when they'd leave, I would rush over to the grinder, snick my nose nearly up the grinding tube, and inhale. Serious. That's how "bad" I was.

The reason I love coffee so much, however, is not necessarily because of the taste and aroma. I love it because of who I am with, or what I am doing at the time I am drinking it. Whether it is with my man in the morning before he takes off for work, putting together Amador Community News for the day, at church in between services, sharing "Facelook" time with a friend or client, or just plain spending time with my own self...writing here, with this awesome Peet's crack of the is and always will be, in my opinion, the ultimate, honest social adhesive that understands when you've had a bad hangover...understands if you've had a bad day or a bad night's sleep...understands if dessert is too much after a large dinner...understands if you have a bad taste in your mouth and need a palate cleansing. Coffee is just right, every time. Folgers or Peet's! ;)

If you're in Sacramental, let me know. I'll join you for a cuppa!


Quote of the Moment:
"The stars that have most glory have no rest." - Samuel Daniel

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Photographer Extraordinaire
The above photo was taken by Dominic Vicari. Yeah, he's some sort of wonderful when it comes to photography. Want to book him? Yeah, he does weddings, events, etc. Message him on Facebook at:


Everybody Loves Logan

Okay, Logan is our dog. He's a Golden Retriever/Greyhound mix (the "retriever" part is up for debate). He's primarily a house dog, but he is, well...what can I say? A dog. Doesn't matter, we love him...and so does everyone!
Today (and many days, since the nights and mornings are cold), he decided to be a cat-dog. What dog curls up like a fn huge ginormous CAT?! Jesus, have some balls...!
(Oops, I forgot. He doesn't have any...)

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